History of the Project
I had the privlidge to meet the Mayor of Beaconsfield prior to my deployment to Afghanistan in 2010. I was calling on him to get a city flag for the Canadian Armed Forces flag projet. Here is the article of the time:
Beaconsfield Honnored
Kandahar Air Field – Afghanistan — The City of Beaconsfiled and its citizens were honnored in Kandahar, The city flag flew in the Canadian headquarter of the 1st Battalion, Royal 22nd Regiment Battle Group. The Canadian Forces Flag project in appreciation project of Canadian communities and linking them with the Forces deployed members. Major R Gratton, a Beaconsfield resident and members of the Second Field Regiment (Reserve artillery Regiment in Montreal) is currently deployed in Afghanistan.

At that time, I made a promise to Mr Mayor, that I would create a citizen committee to build a cenotaph to honor the service of the military but also those who are in harms way in the service to the population of Canada.
With the committee’s dedication and help, we are honoring a promise so that all will be remembered for their sacrifice to the nation.
Major Richard Gratton
President of the Committee